Vatican Rays

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(Taken September 2006)
Canon Digital Rebel

This with my original SLR, the Digital Rebel 6.3megapixel camera. Also before I figured out how to shoot in raw mode. But it seemed to work out for me showing that you don’t need an expensive camera, just the right conditions… and patience. This is inside St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome where I was able to catch the “God rays” streaming in the dome windows. Also another example of travel difficulties leading to being able to see more. The flight from Paris to Naples was cancelled for some long forgotten reason. Which led to taking a flight to Rome where we were to be picked up by our Naples based host. Unfortunately, our luggage only met up with us at the end of the trip which led to a frantic search for an open store so we’d have business attire for Monday’s meetings. Until then, my colleague and I walked around in matching black T-shirts with the number 0 on the chest that we bought at a free concert being held in one of the Rome squares. (it was actually good – a band called “Zero Assoluto” thus the zeros on our chests) Hey, we had to have something clean. Always and adventure….

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